"Dimanapun di belahan Bumi ini, Allah mempersiapkan orang-orang terbaik-Nya untuk membantumu. Bahkan disaat kau jatuh, dan seakan dunia menghimpitmu, Allah datang, memberimu bermilyar-milyar karunia yang patut kamu syukuri, yang patut kamu pergunakan sebaik-baiknya, Kehidupan." -Nadinez-
Saat sedang mengerjakan tugas, someone knocked the chatbox and said ":P Opa, how are you?"
I left my unfinished assignment and started to have a chit-chat with him. It has been a long time since I didn't have a really nice conversation with him, laughing for anything, and gossiping someone. I replied, "Kabar baik, Datuk. :))". I smiled, I didn't realize that I missed him so much until he greeted me. He asked "What was happened with u, Nad? You never poke me even you are online."
I was shocked. During my down-week there's no one who cares on me, no one asked questions such: why are you, what happened, are you OK. No one. No one. Yeah, on my mind, me -was the one who had the worst week ever. Ignoring all things around me, and sank in the routines and assignment. But,he came and ask me that question. I was really touched by that simple thing.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmuch things bro.", I said.
Then we had a conversation.
He read all my posts, and said to me "The way you express your feeling, make you such a mature woman, not a childish girl anymore. I'm proud of you." Really, he made a compliment, (*is it a compliment, Bro?) and make me cry. At the last post I said that I even couldn't drop my tears but, a simple thing he did to me, the tears came out.
I have never seen your face at the real world. Our relationship is just from Yahoo! Messenger, from conversations we made. I keep tell you stories, ask you sooooo much things, discuss hem, not-really-important-things, gossiping, making a crack, and yaa~ we just make relax time.
Really, you are the only one who concern, who asked.
You said, "btw,, i know you can pass this exam,, Allah may not give hamba-Nya ujian apabila hamb-Nya tak bsa melaluinya. *Maylish mode: on"
Thanks for the advice. Wherever you are, which side of earth you belong to, whatever happened to you, you are, Insya Allah, always here in my pray. I pray for your goodness, and may Allah always bless you.
I count, this month is our anniversary, like I said two months ago, it's our anniversary!!
Happy One Year, Five Months, Brother!
p.s: Lord, would You make a meeting for us?