Setelah sekian lama hanya update tulisan dengan tugass... Nad memutuskan untuk sedikit lah menceritakan apa yang terjadi dengan kehidupan nad tiga minggu di bulan Maret nan bahagia ini.
Kawan, tugas tak ada matinya untuk dikerjakan. Kalau tugas itu hidup, mungkin aku tak segan membunuhnya. Dengan tusuk gigi yang hanya limaratusan itu. Nad mulai aktif di SEF, setelah sekian lama tidak ada bahan untuk dipelajari tentang Ekonomi Islam ini. Mungkin nad sendiri akan meng-update blog nad dengan wawancara Mas Bima dan Mas Alfi. TApi itu nanti lah.
Sip, aku sudah mendapat pencerahan. Pengan pause di blog, tapi aku nyatanya onlen tiap hari mejengin imel ama efbe. Dan menemui om google tiap hari untuk menanyakan tugasku. Akhir-akhir ini aku benci ama Om Google.Tugas yang kutanyakan jarang ada.
Padahal buku referensi yang ada bahasa inggris semua. Kata temen nad "aku bakal kumpulin semua buku tebel itu, kalau udah akhir semester aku bakal nge-loak semua!"
Biar jadi banyak maksudnya.
Tapi tetep aja rugi. Wong sekilo cuma dikasih Rp 3500, lalu ngopi aja Rp 300.000,- Rugi gila??
Kulo sinau boso jowo, iki. Walaupun cuma satu-dua kata aku pengen tahu lah setidaknya. Tapi ketika aku pengen belajar Kromo Inggil, temenku pada nyerah semua :( Nggreges rasaning ati :D
Aku sambil memposting, sms-an ama mamah nih. Kangen Masakan beliauuu :( Beliau mau ke mantenan nih...
Dhana jadi ketua PPI UTeM. Aku tidak akan mengucapkan selamat. Habisnya dengan begitu dia banyak terbebani dan.. Ya, aku diacuhkan lagi. :D
Jarang maem jadi kurus. Tapi sekarang aku tahu, nggak enak jadi kurus karena selama 17 tahun hidup, aku mempunyai postur badan yang montok. Jadi ketika aku memperhatikan kaki yang tulangnya mulai menonjol, aku ngeri sendiri, OGAH! Mungkin, aku akan makan banyak lagi :)
Lelucon aneh nambah nih. Ketika aku sedang buat tugas, adek paling kecilku nelpon. Alhamdulillah dia masuk SD.
Ini percakapannya :
Abang : Ce' Inez lagi ngapain?
Aku : Belajar, Bang. Abang lagi apa?
Abang : Nelpon aja nih. Ce', Ce' belajar yang baik ya...
Aku : Kenapa emangnya, Bang, belajar yang baik?
Abang : Supaya kayak abang, bisa masuk SD.
Mati ngakak kemarin aku dengernya. Sayangkuu~ polosnya deh Abangg :)
Life's gonna chance, do your best, let Allah do the rest.
labelnya bakalan banyak nih :)
Cause my daily life is not exactly the same as theirs. It's my story!
21 March 2010
20 March 2010
nda ada kerjaan
kesel bete marah capek lemes lesu sedih susah letih muram manyun bosan nggreges rasaning ati mukatsuku!!!!
10 March 2010
Kebaikan Merokok
1. Perokok pasif lebih berbahaya daripada perokok aktif, maka untuk mengurangi resiko tersebut aktiflah merokok.
2. Menghindarkan dari perbuatan jahat karena tidak pernah ditemui orang yang membunuh, mencuri dan berkelahi sambil merokok
3. Mengurangi resiko kematian: Dalam berita tidak pernah ditemui orang yang meninggal dalam posisi merokok.
4. Berbuat amal kebaikan: Kalau ada orang yang mau pinjam korek api paling tidak sudah siap / tidak mengecewakan orang yang ingin meminjam.
5. Baik untuk basa-basi keakraban: Kalau ketemu orang misalnya di Halte CJDW kita bisa tawarkan rokok. Kalau basa-basinya tawarkan uang kan nggak lucu.
6. Memberikan lapangan kerja bagi buruh rokok, dokter, pedagang asongan dan perusahaan obat batuk.
7. Bisa untuk alasan untuk tambah gaji karena ada post untuk rokok dan resiko baju berlubang kena api rokok.
8. Bisa menambah suasana pedesaan / nature bagi ruangan ber AC dengan asapnya sehingga se-olah berkabut.
9. Menghilangkan bau wangian ruang bagi yang alergi bau parfum.
10. Kalau mobil mogok karena busi ngadat tidak ada api, maka sudah siap api.
11. Membantu program KB dan mengurangi penyelewengan karena konon katanya merokok bisa menyebabkan impoten.
12. Melatih kesabaran dan menambah semangat pantang menyerah karena bagi pemula merokok itu tidak mudah, batuk dan tersedak tapi tetap diteruskan (bagi yang lulus).
13. Untuk indikator kesehatan: Biasanya orang yang sakit pasti dilarang dulu merokok. Jadi yang merokok itu pasti orang sehat.
14. Menambah kenikmatan: Sorehari minum kopi dan makan pisang goreng sungguh nikmat. Apalagi ditambah merokok!
15. Tanda kalau hari sudah pagi, kita pasti mendengar ayam merokok.
16. Anti maling, waktu perokok batuk berat di malam hari.
17. Membantu shooting film keji, rokok digunakan penjahat buat nyundut jagoan yang terikat dikursi… Ha penderitaan itu pedih jendral…!!!
18. Film Koboy pasti lebih gaya kalau merokok sambil naik kuda, soalnya kalau sambil ngupil susah betul.
19. Teman boker yang setia.
20. Bahan inspirasi dan pendukung membuat Tugas Akhir, sehingga seharusnya dicantumkan terima kasih untuk rokok pada kata sambutan.
21. Film lebih cool soalnya kalo meledakan mobil atau pom bensin butuh rokok yang disentil ke bensin yang tercecer, kaboom………!!!
Why Must Go to School?
Why must we go to school, university or something else that we call institutions? If the final mission is to get money, why are we still go to university to learn? Why do not we straightly make a job or have a job? We have learned for almost 13 years (formal education I mean, from elementary until senior high school). Is it not too long to sit in a chair and hearing teachers say, explain something and finally have a work to do at home? It is quite boring I think.
But then, we HAVE to go to school, in this case, university.
We must go to university because we are prepared to be a thinker, not a worker. We are prepared to analyze, how to solve problems in this country. But in fact, we go to university to get graduated and then have a job, make money. If you have made money, you decide, whether you want to go to university, or not. And also one of the reason is, we have to educate ourselves to make us better than before.
Education is not only how to educate people and then only create labours, workers. Education is about how to make someone best, how to prepare a critical, responsible, honest human being in the future. In fact, education-system in Indonesia still has a role as a worker producer, not a better-human being producer. Education should be a way, how to make a best human being, with high-intellegence brain and has a value in his activity, not just a system to reach better prestige and regenerate workers generation.
Future, this will one of my contribution in education in Indonesia. I want to build schools, not just an ordinary school but we called it Madrasah or Pesantren. Maybe it is different from major that I am taking now but if I have enough knowledge, I want built a place, that can be a place to learn how to be a critical people and analyze, how to solve problems in this country. I think in madrasah, we can meet education collaborate with religion, Islam. If education be in accordance with the value of Islam, it will produce near-perfect human, who acts based on Al-Qur’an and Sunnah. But I know, If now I cannot educate myself to be a better person, I cannot make my dreams come true. Meanwhile, as a university student, I will do my best to make my dreams come true, so I really can take a part to make Indonesia better than today.
The GreyZone
: my first weekly journal
There are so many responsibilities of the corporate among the stakeholders, two of them are responsibilities to consumer and responsibilities to local community. What is local and consumer responsibilities? Corporate social responsibility is companies acting voluntarily and beyond the law to achieve social and environmental objectives during the course of their daily business activities. The act can be a hand to local programme or just minimalize their negative effect to a community. And responsibilities to customer can be memenuhi the rights of consumer. Such as : get safety product, to be heard, informed all about relevant aspect of the product, to choose what they buy etc.
But now, how with tobacco company? Are they responsible among stakeholders, in this case local community and consumer? If they don’t, what is the problem? How to solve that problems?
Commonly, tobacco company, especially famous tobacco company, has memenuhi their responsibilities, those are responsibilities to employee, supplier, investor, local community and costumer. For example, giving appropriate wage, inform the financial position, have a good relationship to suppliers, and sponsor many activities, such as environment conservation, giving scholarship and fund the music concert. So, if we asked whether the company has fulfilled their responsibilities among stakeholders, the answer is yes, they have. But on the other side, the tobacco company has broken one of consumer rights, that is get safety product. Then, tobacco, the product, can cause pollution. But one the one hand, they have a conservation programme, which can be a reforestation programme. Finally, we will find so many things that opposite in tobaccos company responsibilities to the consumer and environment case.
Consumer rights states that consumer have right to get safe products but as we all know that tobaccos full with poison and dangerous thing in it. From nicotine (insecticide), ammonia (toilet cleaner), aracnic (poison), ect. Tobaccos can make pollution and illness, for active smokers and also passive smokers. But tobacco company has excuse. First excuse, that consumer are free to buy all things they want and nobody can forbide them to buy tobaccos. Second, if consumer buy tobaccos, company gets profit. Then the profit is aside for young generation in scholarships or financial support. This means that consumer who buy tobacco help Indonesia to be better. Third, about pullution and illness, that after sold, tobacco is owned by consumer. When consumer inhale and exhale the smoke then causing pollution, it is consumer’s responsibiliy, not the company’s. For the illness, that is consumer’s choice. If they know the dangerous subtances, why are they still buy and exhale-inhale it?
Based on the processed data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008, that out of every 4 of the Indonesian population was 1 smoker. The total tobaccos smoked per year is 225 billion sticks. It's enough to make a very bad pollution for the environment. These numbers will increase in relevance with the increase of adolescence.
Tobacco company has put themselves toa a greyzone, an area where good and bad things become blur, in assistance with losses and goods for “whitening” or repeal the badness from product they have produced. But, although tobacco company has produce things that harmful to human life, the company can directly closed. Because it will arise effect that not good for tobacco farmers and employees. Tobacco farmers will lose their jobs and cannot supply tobaccos to company, unemployment will increase.
So from previous exposure, in fact, there are more bad things than the good one. By closing the company, hopefully can be the solution. But before closing, in order to avoid bad effect, it is more better to prepare the closing in advance, such as prepare the replacement job for the employees.For example, for the tobaccos farmer, the land can be replaced by planting palms. Slowly the company “rebuilt” the company to a oil processing factory. Then the employee can work in there. In this example we avoid the tobacco/cigarettes bad effect by closing the company. Also we can increasing tax for cigarettes, or avoid to advertising the cigarettes (as American does). But despite of all, one example is more better than thousands advice.
Nadiyah Salsabila
Management ‘09
4 March 2010
The Power of Sugesti
Udah aku singgung belum yah kalau aku lagi males banget ama yang namanya matakuliah:
MKPK (Metode Kuantitatif untuk Pengambilan Keputusan)
Padahal kalau di-bahasa Inggris-kan, keren juja namanya : Quantitative Analysis for Management..
Sekeren apapun namanya. Aku nda suka pelajarannya!
Nggak tahu apa aku yang salah atau dosennya. Tapi kalau dia ngajar itu aku ngantuk banget. Udah gitu ngajarnya kayak ngajar diri sendiri aja.
Thanks God, You sent me Mrs. Endang. She thought me how to understand subject you do not like.
Yah, aku kira sugestinya macam ini : "Hei Nad! Matakuliah ini enak loh!"
Bukan. Bukan seperti itu
Sugestinya : "Nadiyah, Pak ******* ganteng, Pak ******* ganteng"
Kalau orang ganteng, pasti semangat belajar kan?
Celakanya, kalau aku lupa mensugesti diriku sendiri, aku jadi ngantuk di pelajarannya :(
Kuliah masih 6 semester dan Dosen masih banyak yang seperti itu..
2 March 2010
Ketika Dia Membicarakannya...
Apa yang akan kamu lakukan, ketika tahu bahwa seseorang juga mencintai kekasihmu?
Apa yang akan kamu lakukan, ketika sadar bahwa seseorang itu lebih tahu tentang kekasihmu?
Jarak terbentang antara kau dan kekasihmu,
Dia, lebih dekat dengan kekasihmu
Ketika kau bertemu hanya sekali, dia kapanpun bisa
Ketika kau butuh teman jalan -dan kau mengharapkan itu kekasihmu,
Dia, jalan dengan kekasihmu
Dia, lebih dekat dengan kekasihmu
Ketika dia membicarakan kekasihmu
Kau hanya membisu
-Apa yang kamu tahu?
Aku tak pernah ke Batavia,
Aku tak pernah makan bakso disana
Kekasihmu dan dia, makan, disana
Pangsit, dekat kosmu, berharap masih ada sama antara
Pangsit SMP 12 dan pangsit di Jogja
Tapi tidak
Kekasihmu tak ada
Kau hanya bercumbu dengan bayang
Sedangkan dia?
Kekasihmu punya baju bertuliskan MATE
Tapi bukan kamu SOUL-nya
Dia punya baju bertuliskan SOUL
Bukan kamu
Saat temanmu bertanya
"Hei, apa maksudnya itu?"
Kau hanya tersenyum
Dalam hati tersirat luka
Dia berharap,
Aku juga berharap
Harap yang sama
"Jauhkan dia darinya"
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