11 May 2012

Random Things

1. Italian men are romantic. When I finished my course and on my way to go out, Mr. Fabio hold the door and let the girls went out first and said "Let the ladies first, no?". :"> While Indonesian men (mostly) come out first and hold the door outside. The same, but it just feels different =_="

2. Koreans are full of creativity. Running Man, a variety show from South Korea, they have never had idea outstock! =_=" 93 episodes and still ongoing. Bravo!

3. Still in a deciding phase for my third language. Chinese, although the most spoken language in the world, has so many accents. Spanish, that recommended by my Italian teacher, is the second spoken language in the world, especially in South America. For European language: German, French; Asian language: Korea, Japan, Chinese. Akh =_=". 

4. United States of America is the last country I'll choose if I was asked which country you want to go to. Reason? It just seems too far in map, from Indonesia to USA (whaaat reason is this?)

5. I wish I have lots of money. To go around the world. Aamiin :D

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