1 October 2011

My World

"Where do I belong forever? In whose arms, the time and place.." (My World - Avril Lavigne)
Ketika buka-buka youtube, si Avril nongol aja tuh di related video. Nyoba-nyoba buka, dan Tada! Ketemu single My World gitu deh. By the way, lagi Dixie, malem mingguan. Sambil nungguin minuman yang datang, aku cari lirik lagunya, membuka memori SMP. Well, percaya atau nggak dua album pertama Avril aku hapalin semuanya. Album ke-3 cuman tiga lagu aja yang diingat, Girlfriend, When You're Gone, dan Keep Holding On. Avril boleh dibilang sarana belajar bahasa Inggrisku, buat aku harus buka-buka kamus karena nggak ngerti artinya dan belajar maki-maki dalam bahasa Inggris. Jangan ditiru sih yang akhir.

Kenal Avril di mana? Kenal gara-gara si Aya ribut banget, plus K' Adel, ngomongin chart MTV, Animax, dan all about west-song. Aya selalu senandung Nobody's Home dan Don't Tell Me. Ya, walaupun nggak tahu liriknya apa dan tuli sama sekali dengan pengucapan dalam bahasa Inggris ya aku akhirnya cuman ngedengerin mereka aja sih... Humming kayak gitu ternyata buat aku penasaran. Sampai si Andrew, yeah, Andrew Rodriguez, ternyata suka lagu I'm with You.

Jump to the next five years, I, a good-girl who never know about something like cafe, now downloading songs and spending Sat-nite in the middle of crowd, when people become couples of doves.

My World has just finished downloading and I'm hearing it now.

Then it brings me to six years ago.

Aya, K' Jarwa discussed abt Flame of Recca and I myself just sat down and hearing them talking. My Nokia-3650 and I were talking, too. Hearing mp3's I bought at blackmarket. Yeah, I even didn't know about iTunes or something like that.

"See, see. Your Andrew has just come, Nad." Said Aya.
"Yes, and yours, Ay." I replied.
"Shooh! You child!" K' Jarwa said.

Andrew, Jeff and him, Ay, Kak, just our past. Siapa yang akan menjadi nantinya?

Past is history and I am making my future.

My eyes turned out the other way...

Now, Avril has her 4th album and I have gone through my sophomore year, and it is my junior sophister year. Waktuku tinggal satu setengah tahun lagi untuk menyelesaikan semuanya, terjun ke dunia luar. Find whose arms are going to be mine.

1 comment:

Xannzea said...

Andrew? You still remember that silly name I made ?
lol actually I regret so much putting a person like that in my fucking story, dear.

Euphoria was made in purpose to earn a real euphoria. I am sorry I didn't find it in "your brother"
He is too kind to be my man. He even looked older that he was.

Now past is just a piece of the forgotten land.
that land is sinking. but people like you and Eve are on a special boat, sailing away with me.
Let's leave it, Serenity.

anyway, thank you for this post. I am so proud I have influenced you with something good, especially about good songs :D

Keep holding on, my sister. Rodriguez is not a good last name for Cecilya :D